Shimon Says: Papers are papers and realities are realities. We cannot judge the PLO and its leader just by what he is saying. Would we do so, we would be completely wrong and we would be in troubles. [Heritage, Los Angeles, June 3, 1994]
Then Shimon Says: You cannot sit down, reach an agreement and then go around and declare different things. You govern by words and respect for words. If you devalue a word or an agreement, you kill the peaceful solution. [ibid]
Shimon Says: No doubt that Israel's next goal should be to join the Arab League. [Lecture at the Islamic College in Western Galilee, quoted in Ha'aretz, December 21, 1994 and in The Jewish Press, December 30, 1994]
Then Shimon Says: (Asked about the Secretary of the Arab League's response that Israeli Jews had to become Moslems before they could join the Arab League) Well, that also shows that it belongs to the past. The Arab League is part of the past. There is no room for an Arab League. [Middle East Quarterly, March 1995, p. 77]
Shimon Says: Syria is likely to attack Israel even if a peace agreement is reached. [Yediot Ahronot, October 5, 1994]
Then Shimon Says: President Assad has the opportunity to have something extra because he and we can really bring belligerence to a total end [The New York Times, November 23, 1995, p.6]
Shimon Says: [Asked about the wisdom of a deal with the then-dictator of Syria, Hafez al Assad] Well, the system of government is transitional, peace is permanent. [Middle East Quarterly, March 1995, pp. 77-78]
Then Shimon Says: We have learned there is no stable peace unless it is based on relations between democratic states. [Knesset speech, January 25, 1993]
Shimon Says: We shall not recognize the PLO unless it amends the Palestinian Covenant and renounces terrorism. [Knesset speech, August 30, 1993]
Then Shimon Says: The Arabs used to say: "If you recognize the PLO, you will be recognized by the Arab world." We recognized the PLO but we have not been recognized. They also said, "We will put a stop to terrorist actions." I observe that they continue. [Agence France Presse, March 24, 1995]
Shimon Says: We are going to copy a European example which is called Benelux. I hope the relations between the Jordanians, the Palestinians and us will be very much of the same nature that exists in Benelux. [Address to Council of the Socialist International, October 6, 1993]
Then Shimon Says: [There will be] total separation between Israel and PLO-controlled autonomy areas. Check points will be established and the entry and exit of all persons and vehicles in and out of “Israel proper” will be closedly monitored. Anyone, Jew or Arab, violating this, will be punished to the full extent of the law. [from a speech to the nation quoted in The Jewish Press, March 8, 1996]